MIM Pawnshop Skills and Services – Diamond Appraisal Course

MIM Pawnshop Skills And Services

What is the value of a diamond? If you own a pawnshop or want to buy and sell diamonds it is a critical question that your profit margin depends on.

The answer to the question is that appraising diamonds is a complex task. It is a task that only an appraiser with skill and experience can answer. There is no room for mistakes.

That is why training is so critical when it comes to diamond appraisal. Training is the process of developing skills in order to more effectively perform a specific task. It emphasizes achieving a certain level of skill attainment. The goal of the training is to teach someone to be able to successfully perform procedures such as appraising diamonds and precious metals. In return, a positive return on investment comes from the benefits gained by applying the new knowledge, skills, and information.

A Diamond appraisal procedure involves multiple skills. This is where the training from MIM Pawnshop Skills and Services outperforms its competitors. My training for diamond appraisal is very much a hands-on course that takes the student from the beginning to the end of a procedure. I believe in the hands-on method where the more you practice a skill the better you get at it. Some may believe that is old-fashioned but in my experience it works best. Hands-on training is also a method proven to be effective when training adult students. After a hands-on training course the student come away with better skills than in an all lecture course.

I go over the material as often as is necessary and I am always there to guide and answer questions. I have been in the pawnshop industry my entire adult life and I take pride in teaching the procedures that have worked for me throughout my career.  I know these procedures will work for you. Finally, I take the right amount of time and cover the points necessary to perform proper appraisals of gold and diamonds.

MIM Pawnshop Skills and Services Appraisal Diamond appraisal courses include a thorough covering of procedures to appraise 4 C’s of a diamond.  The 4 Cs are the most important and relevant points when determining the quality of a diamond.


Carat is the unit of weight for all gemstones. One carat is subdivided into 100 “points”. Therefore a diamond measuring 75 points is 3/4 carat in weight, or 0.75ct. There are five carats in a gram.

carat – weight


When applied to diamonds, the term “cut” simply refers to the cut of the diamond. The “Cut” of a diamond ensures that a given stone has maximum brilliance and sparkle which would not be the case if the stone cut for weight alone.

The overall cut grade is assigned on a scale from Excellent to Poor and depends on the proportions, angles, polish and symmetry of the facets. If any one feature is out of line the entire cut grade is affected. An excellent cut grade is preferred as it maximizes the diamond’s light performance. A low cut grade is often assigned to diamonds that are too shallow or too deep which results in lower shine.


diamond shapes



Ideally, a diamond should have no color at all, like a drop of spring water. Increasing degrees of body color are measured on a scale ranging from no color at all (D) to deeply colored (Z). Beyond “Z” is the range where the diamond’s color is vivid and rich, called “fancy colors”.

Diamond Color Examples  


A diamond’s clarity is determined by the number, nature, position, size and color of internal characteristics called “inclusions” and surface features called “blemishes”. These irregularities occurred when nature created the diamond and show themselves as the various characteristics which make up the clarity of a diamond (included crystals, feathers, clouds etc).

Clarity is measured on a scale ranging from pure (flawless) to heavily included (I-3). The clarity of a diamond is graded by using 10X magnification under good lighting by an experienced grader. The final clarity grade is usually determined by how easy the inclusions and blemishes are for the grader to see.

diamond clarity chart


Other procedures included in the Diamomd appraisal course are

1.      The Procedure in testing gold

2.      The Procedure in appraising gold

3.      How to determine the approximate current price range of diamond’s loan / market value.

If you own a pawnshop or want to buy and sell diamonds, do not leave your appraisals to chance. There is no room for mistakes when appraising diamonds. MIM Pawnship Skill and Services Diamond Appraisal Course is designed to teach the appraiser how to precisely determine the price of a diamond by following step-by-step procedures.

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